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Tell us a little about yourself.
So, my name is Haleigh Broucher. I'm 22 years old, and am from a very small town in southeast Texas, and when I say small, I'm talking no stop lights, and only 2 gas stations in the whole town small. I just recently graduated from Texas A&M University and plan on pursuing my doctorate in IO Psychology.
Tell us how you became a contestant on Big Brother 20.
I was always a super fan of the show, and knew that I wanted to go on at some point in my life. If you ask my family, they will joke because I use to swear to them while we watched the show that I would be on it one day, and they all laughed. I was encouraged to apply as soon as I turned 21, and everything else fell into place for me.
What was the best part of the experience?
This is such a hard question. I guess the best overall part was being such a super fan, and literally living out my fantasies and dreams on the show. I remember the very first time I ate dinner, took a shower, washed my clothes, got ready for bed, I just had to keep reminding myself that I was actually living that reality. It was amazing.
A-list Nation Magazine Nov / Dec 2019 Cover Story