Our Jan 2020 issue has not only one cover but four! Join us as we dance into this new decade. We caught up with Brooke Hyland from the first season of Dance Mom’s in this exclusive interview.
We see you have moved to California, what made you want to move to the west coast?
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh and absolutely love that city and all of my friends and family in it. However, I also love to try new things and explore new places, which is why I went to college out of state. I graduated a year early and knew I’d be bored if I moved back home and all of my friends were still in school, so I started researching potential areas to live. I wound up choosing LA because I have spent a lot of time there prior and made a lot of friends. Also, I could not pass up the weather and the endless amounts of opportunities to further myself as an influencer while balancing a full-time job!
Tell us a little about that process.
My dad and my brother helped me make the move and we all road tripped across the county. We stopped at Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, Red Rock Amphitheater, Las Vegas, and more. I had always wanted to do that so I got to check that off of my bucket list. Truly thankful that I had my dad and brother, they did all of the driving and heavy lifting once we got to LA!
What was the hardest part of moving so far from where you grew up?
The hardest part was definitely leaving my friends and family behind. I knew it wasn’t a “goodbye” that it was a “see ya later”, but it was hard knowing that if I ever wanted to come home, it was 3,000 miles, a couple $100, and needed to be planned in advance! I come from a very close family and a very close knit friend group so, yes, that was definitely the hardest part. However, they were happy for me and now they have a cool place to visit me!
What has been the best part of the move?
The best part of the move has been being able to live almost a double life. I get to go to work and utilize my degree 9-5 and then go to events after. I wouldn’t be able to do that if I wasn’t in LA. The people I’ve met though, couldn’t have done it without them. Oh and the endless amount of hidden gems and food are amazing too!
Do you have any new years resolutions?
Self care. I used to be really into healthy eating, and was actually a pescatarian for years. I kind of lost my ways when I went to college and definitely want to start eating healthy again. I also want to start working out more! I love taking yoga classes they are a big stress reliever for me and help me to relax. I also am constantly on the move. I need to recognize when my body needs a day to stay in and just watch some Netflix!
What are your goals now that you are in Cali? I have a full time job in the fashion/e-commerce industry. I do influencer relations and PR. It is my first job after college and my goal is to exceed my higher ups’ expectations and hopefully be promoted in the near future. I also hope to be more connected on my social media platforms and start up my YouTube channel.
Do you still do dance? I do not take actual dance classes anymore. Being on “Dance Moms” burnt me out. However, I do still love to dance when I’m out with friends, TikTok, etc!
Where are your favorite places to shop in LA?
Believe it or not, I am not a big shopper. I don’t have the patience to look through the racks! If I need something for a specific occasion I’ll buy something, but if I’m aimlessly shopping, I always talk myself out of whatever the item is! If I do need to buy something though, I usually online shop because it’s easier. I love Princess Polly, Shein, Urban Outfitters, and Marshall’s/TJmaxx!
What's your favorite social media app? (the app you use the most)
My favorite social media app is definitely Instagram, by a land slide. I hardly open any others. I’m trying to change that this year and become more active!
Do you have any projects in the works or are you taking a break.
I wouldn’t say I’m taking a break. I’m definitely trying to focus on my job but I am trying to become more active. I’ve been going to a lot of events and hopefully will be starting my YouTube channel. I’m hoping for some good opportunities this year <3