Teen A-list Magazine September 2021
Lilly Ketchman
Fashion Editor Jazmin Whitley
Shot by Ashley Roberts

Tell us a little about yourself.
I turned 13 this summer and I’m excited to finally be a teenager! I have been dancing since I was 2 years old and started acting and singing by the time I was 8. I got cast on Dance Moms when I was 7 years old and my life changed! It was a crazy fun experience and I have been enjoying the ride ever since!
Being a social media content creator can be very stressful, what keeps you grounded?
I live in North Carolina so none of my friends at home are in the business. I think that helps me stay grounded because we rarely even talk about social media when we hang out. I travel to LA and NY when I need to and have a blast, but then I go back home to reality.

You are an amazing dancer is there anyone you look up to in the dance world?
I really look up to Misty Copeland. Not only is she a stunning dancer but she is a role model to so many in so many different ways. She’s a true superstar.
What’s your favorite social media app?
I spend a lot of time on TikTok! It’s so addicting! Someone take away my phone! Lol! Until TikTok I never knew how many people had such a great sense of humor. I love how it brings out the creativity in so many people!

Do you have a favorite YouTuber that you watch?
I have always loved AlishaMarie. I have watched her evolve and I still find her so engaging!
Tell us about your upcoming projects or what you are currently working on.
I am currently working with JoJo for a live performance at her premiere for The J Team. I also just filmed a costar role on a TV show that will be out soon!

Do you have any plans for the holidays?
I usually spend holidays with my immediate family. We travel so much that we just enjoy being together on those days. We have lots of family traditions with my favorite being the Cuban food on Christmas Eve! My family is Cuban and we are obsessed with the food!
What are you most excited for this fall?
I LOVE Halloween! My whole family goes nuts for Halloween! My Dad usually hosts a big party, makes scary moving props, and scared everyone. My house basically turns into a haunted house for a week! We love it!
